

Striped Shirt Dress


Striped shirt dress has been my favorite item this season so far. The silhouette is classic and the drop waist detail on this dress provides a trendy twist.

striped shirt dress

穿搭單品 Today's Outfit

DRESS │ ASOS (also love white version THIS & THIS)
SHOES │ ASOS (sold out, but adore THIS in gold)



且一件式洋裝在旅行中相當輕巧方便,行李箱中不占空間穿搭也簡便,最適合這樣夏日輕旅行出門穿著了。另外最近的穿搭完全離不開這款純白的劍橋包啊,從下細雪的春日,揹到這次在華盛頓 DC 小旅行的夏日,事實上我連平常上班也揹著它通勤,愛不釋手這四個字就是這樣用的吧!

好喜歡繫帶款式的平底鞋,僅僅只是腳踝多了一圈繫帶,就覺得多了一分優雅,所以我總是購買在繫帶方式做文章的尖頭平底鞋,譬如在 T 字、腳背交叉、圈住腳踝等細節不同的設計。我腳上這雙目前在 Asos 上已經售鑿,但是這雙金屬色澤的交叉款、還有這雙銀色的腳背繫帶款都是相當類似的設計,且現貨尺寸也很足,可以給你的腳尖一點時髦的金屬氣息。

Striped Shirt Dress

The shirt dress has always been a classic silhouette and it's back with trendy twist this season. I'm wearing this striped shirt dress from Asos own-label collection and it was made from crisp woven cotton and finished with drop waist and point collar details. The drop waist fit makes it really comfy to wear for travel.

Plus, a shift dress like this is lightweight and really travel-friendly. For my bag, I know I've been wearing this backpack a lot on my blog recently. I basically wear this backpack everywhere.

From this black and white outfit back in snowy spring days, to my trip in DC this summer, I just love this Cambridge Satchel backpack so much! Actually, I wear this backpack to work everyday, too. There is no better way to show how much I adore a bag than carrying it everywhere and everyday.

I'm absolutely smitten with strappy flats with pointed toe. The strap around the ankle brings a little elegant edge to me so I always have my eyes on strappy flats or trendy lace up shoes. This pair I'm wearing is sold out but I also love this pair of ballet flats with metallic upper and cross trap front, and this pair with contrast slim straps detail in silver. Both the high-shine metallic upper of these pairs provides the edgy attitude on your feet.

cambridge satchel backpack

cambridge satchel backpack


隨著這次在華盛頓 DC 的小旅行穿搭連載告一段落,接下來計劃寫一篇在這裏旅行的微指南,細細回味 DC 這邊著名雄偉的建築物群,且這次也和老公嘗試跑了電影美國隊長 II - 酷寒戰士片段在白宮這附近的跑步路線,讓這次旅行極有成就感,敬請期待華盛頓 DC 微指南篇!

As my travel outfits to Washington DC series has came to an end, I'm planning to post a mini travel guide to DC for people who are interested in visiting this amazing city and document our running experience among the historical buildings.

My hubby and I were inspired from Cap's running route in 2014 superhero movie "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and tried the running route. It definitely leaves marks on my memory and makes this trip very special. So stay tune!

striped shirt dress

原文刊於 You Are What You Wear 網站  穿衣,條紋襯衫洋裝

    創作者 Finnie 的頭像


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